
Displays the interpolated y-coordinate for a given x-coordinate or the x-coordinate for a given y-coordinate of a 1D or 2D dataset.

@f{xyinterpol(datasetname, Value)}
@f{xyinterpol(dataset, Value, format)}
@f{xyinterpol(dataset, Value, format, i_intersect)}
@f{xyinterpol(dataset, Value, format, i_intersect, default_return)}




Specifies the 1D or 2D dataset. Can be one of the following values:

Value Description
Dataset name Is the name of the dataset, e.g. Data1.
Index of the dataset Is the index. The first dataset in the layer has the index 1.
Layer name:Index of the dataset If the layer name is given, the field function can be in a text object owned by a differen layer, e.g. Diagram1:1.

Is the value of a coordinate. The value can start with x= or y=. Default is x=.


Specifies the number format. The default format is %g. Example: %.3lf will print the values with 3 decimal places. For a complete description see printf. In field functions commas are not allowed inside the format string.


If more than one intersection exists with the dataset, the index of the intersection can be specified. Negative values count from the end. Default value is 1.


Sets the default return value, if the dataset has no intersection or the dataset is not found. Default value is ----.


@f{xyinterpol(Data1, y=54.21)}

Power at 2100 rpm: @f{xyinterpol(Data1, x=2100, %.2lf kW)}

Power at 2100 rpm: @f{xyinterpol(Diagram1:1, 2100, %.2lf kW, 1)}



Power at 2100 rpm: 54.21 kW

Power at 2100 rpm: 54.21 kW


Version Description
R2022.4 The ‘x=’ now works even if x-axis is not time based. The “y=” request also works.
R2012.13 Error in parameter i_intersect fixed.
5.15.0 New.
